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New Fire Truck

A red and white fire truck from the Livermore Fire Protection District parked indoors.

What is large and white and red and has been on order for over two and a half years?  If you said Livermore’s made-to-specification type-IV fire engine, you’d be correct.  We had hoped to have it in service by last summer.  But if you remember Covid and supply chain problems, a chassis had not been available until last fall.  It has been in a production facility in Boise Idaho all winter, spring, and summer. 

Here it is.

The Type IV is a wildland engine with 750 gallon of water and a lot of hose, 4-wheel drive, and the ability to carry five firefighters plus all assorted equipment.  This truck will be good in the open areas of the district or when we can use a long hose-lay to surround a wildfire. 

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